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Website of Toan Phat Co., Ltd. officially was put into online operation on 02/12/2010 with the aim to provide information to customers in fastest manner and vice versa.

Uniden Vietnam

Uniden Vietnam

UNIDEN (Japan) is a corporation specializing in production of cord-less telephone, optical product, and communication equipment with modern technology. Uniden is the leading brand of cord-less telephone in USA, Australia and Japan market. In Vietnam, UNIDEN VIETNAM LTD., established in Apr 2007, is an Export Processing Enterprise with total Invested Capital of over USD 83 million and employing nearly 7,000 employees in stable production stage. UNIDEN VIETNAM has a factory at Tan Truong Industrial Zone, Hai Duong Province, and started operation as from Nov 2007.


Toan Phat Co., Ltd has signed a long term contract with Uniden and is the partner to perform the entire task of printing and packaging production for Uniden’s  products in Vietnam.

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